Don't know if this has been posted before as it is a 5 year old video, but this is a nice breakdown by Rob Brown of a Vinnie fill with Brian Eisenberg.
The Special variant does sound sweet though! I've been gigging the Special all this week Steve and I've found it's working nicely for me now. Love the low roar, and the bell is amazing! Just recently bought a new pair of regular K hats and an 18 K dark thin and I'm loving those too! Oh and a new Lu...
Is it this one? Don't think so, doesn't look like it to me. Edit: On second thoughts, it might be. Interesting if it is given the volume of the music he's playing. I'm wondering if it's the same ride he used with Tom Scott on the Gadd tribute, so I'm goin...
I don't generally like to post gear topics here but given this a jazz oriented drum forum, anyone here have this ride and ever use it on pop and rock gigs? Had mine for years, still love the sound but never really gigged it much as it doesn't project and I rarely do jazz gigs. Loathe to sell it as i...