What is S.O.P.A ?

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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Josiah » Sun May 06, 2012 10:29 am

Morgenthaler wrote:I can't understand how YOU can't understand that there ARE societies with much less violence and homicides (per citizen),
than the United States. It's not utopia. It's just largely gun-free societies.

These all have one or two things in common:

1 They are largely gun-free.
2 They are secular to a certain degree.

If you want a more peaceful society, make it harder for people to kill each other.
Taking away guns from ordinary citizens is a proven method.

You are actually entirely incorrect on several counts.

Proven how? What study proves that?

Ordinary citizens aren't the ones committing violent crime. It's violent criminals who are, and they don't buy their guns in a store and fill out the paper work. Gun laws don't effect criminals. Most gun crimes are committed with illegal weapons, ironically which are mostly produced in Europe.

First and foremost you should research violent societies and make a graph. Then research societies with gun ownership and make a graph. When you put the two graphs next together, there is ZERO correlation between gun ownership and violent crime. (This is not a novel idea by the way).

In other words, there are incredibly violent countries (more violent then the US by far) with almost zero legal gun ownership, many of them. This simple fact destroys any correlation with violence and gun ownership.

Also what destroys the correlation is that the world was MORE violent BEFORE firearms. Guns are new. Violence and world war is not.

To infer that ridding the world of guns would rid the world of violence is absurd. There's a few thousand years of war and violence pre fire arm invention that proves this.

Here's a few real life, current "studies" you can call them, check it out:

Since Australia's 'Gun Ban' and 'Buy Back' programs, violent crime has gone up in the land down under. Be search to check out the rise in 'blade crimes', the use of swords by gangs is particularly interesting and goes to show - taking away guns doesn't take away violence.

In the United States, violent crime has gone down over the last several years, while gun laws have been loosened - not corollary, but notable

It comes down to this:

You can take the tools away. But you'll never take the violence away.

"If you want a more peaceful society, make it harder for people to kill each other."

And that statement gets into a VERY slippery slope of some serious Orwellian stuff....

Lucas Ives wrote:Here's the nutshell summary: the very act of carrying a gun sets up a different bias than if you had left the gun at home. You're still the same gun owner, you still believe he same things about gun rights/crime prevalence/etc. But having it in your pocket / in your hand makes you react differently to the same stimuli.

That is a VERY different thing then you said earlier. And again, is also stupid. Perhaps even more stupid.

Of course whatever tools are at your disposal changes your situational awareness. That's like saying, people wearing shoes will have a tendency to run more then people wearing sandals.

If there is a bear on my porch, and I don't have a gun near by, my mind knows this and automatically looks for other possibilities. If there is a bear on my porch and I have a shotgun in arms reach, mind knows this and I don't have to concern myself about seeking out other forms of protection/noise making.

It takes a university to discover that people's thinking is determined by the situation and tools at hand for a given problem? Hahaha
Last edited by Josiah on Sun May 06, 2012 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Clint Hopkins
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Clint Hopkins » Sun May 06, 2012 10:33 am

Morgenthaler wrote:If you want a more peaceful society, make it harder for people to kill each other.
Taking away guns from ordinary citizens is a proven method.

That's ridiculous. What about folks who own guns for recreational purposes in addition to personal protection use? Taking guns away from citizens is a proven method... in countries that put a stranglehold on personal freedom. In the U.S., we view things through the prism of liberty and freedom. It's not the unsustainable dump people would like to purport it as.
I'd like to see the source for those per capita gun statistics. Gun death related statistics are grouped together regardless of circumstance. A situation in which this might skew the statistics would be: Three guys break into a house. The owner of the house gets murdered by one of the burglars. All three get caught and are charged for murder.

Murder is distinguished from self defense when the individual can prove that his/her life was at stake.
Last edited by Clint Hopkins on Sun May 06, 2012 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Josiah » Sun May 06, 2012 10:43 am


I gladly will have as much freedom as possible, even if it means, other people, potentially idiot cracker jack criminals can take advantage of those freedoms.

I trust myself to protect me and mine LONG, LONG, LONG before I'll ever trust a government too. By taking away the citizens ability to protect themselves, they are inherently putting absolutely trust in the government to do that job of protecting.

Speaking of Europe, in the recent history. You might have less individual to individual crime, but the collective governments have failed completely to protect their citizens against violent forces, foreign and domestic.

Let's not so easily forget it wasn't that long ago a bunch of gun happy American's had to go over and save Europes ass. If not for the US, all of Europe would be speaking German.

You know why the US will never be invaded? Because while we have an official Military of around 500,000 - we have a few hundred million armed citizens.
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Morgenthaler » Sun May 06, 2012 10:56 am

Josiah wrote:Let's not so easily forget it wasn't that long ago a bunch of gun happy American's had to go over and save Europes ass. If not for the US, all of Europe would be speaking German.

Don't lecture me on history. My grandfather fought the Nazis and I have his old ID card in my living room,
reminding me of that every day.


That's it. I'm out of this thread.
Clint Hopkins
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Clint Hopkins » Sun May 06, 2012 11:06 am

Morgenthaler wrote:Don't lecture me on history. My grandfather fought the Nazis and I have his old ID card in my living room,
reminding me of that every day.


The next time you drink a toast to your grandfather, drink one for me. I appreciate him for his service during that dark time in world history.
circh bustom
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby circh bustom » Sun May 06, 2012 12:38 pm

I also have a personal reason for believing in freedom. My wife's grandfather was Joe Toye from Easy Company. Got his leg blown off at the Battle Of the Bulge. They made a TV show about it called Band of Brothers. Easy Company went on to take Hitler down. In my household the freedoms that were fought for are never up for debate. Dont wave fingers saying the govt should lay off the internet but take away guns. Its not an old school chinese menu. Either the govt has its paws on shit or it doesnt. The govt only needs to protect borders and manage roadways and transportation systems. Period.
Taking away the guns then infringes on the gun manufacturer's owners rights in relation to making a living. I am not a fan of guns, but I am a fan of free enterprise. Im sure that is just another nonsensical, utter meaningless, moot, stupid idiotic argument.
Henry II
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Henry II » Sun May 06, 2012 4:56 pm

circh bustom wrote:I also have a personal reason for believing in freedom. My wife's grandfather was Joe Toye from Easy Company. Got his leg blown off at the Battle Of the Bulge. They made a TV show about it called Band of Brothers. Easy Company went on to take Hitler down. In my household the freedoms that were fought for are never up for debate. Dont wave fingers saying the govt should lay off the internet but take away guns. Its not an old school chinese menu. Either the govt has its paws on shit or it doesnt. The govt only needs to protect borders and manage roadways and transportation systems. Period.
Taking away the guns then infringes on the gun manufacturer's owners rights in relation to making a living. I am not a fan of guns, but I am a fan of free enterprise. Im sure that is just another nonsensical, utter meaningless, moot, stupid idiotic argument.

Another meaningless post. There is no such thing as believing in freedom. Freedom is not a religion. Rather, freedom is a right, and rights exist only to the extent that they are created by law which is conferred and enforced by the government. Other than that, whatever freedom you think you have is an illusion. Without the govenment, your freedom exists only to the extent that others allow you to have it. And, anyone with more power than you can take everything you have including your freedom and literally make you a slave, and there would be nothing you could do about it.
Ok, ok! My real name is Go F. Yourself Facebook, III
circh bustom
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby circh bustom » Sun May 06, 2012 5:37 pm

You have a scary warped view of the world. Once again I ask you to please stop responding to my posts.
Henry II
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby Henry II » Sun May 06, 2012 7:29 pm

circh bustom wrote:You have a scary warped view of the world. Once again I ask you to please stop responding to my posts.

No, I live in the reality based world. Not the Fox News world. And, I'm sorry, but, if you make a post then you have to accept responsibility for your post. That includes accepting opposing points of view.
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Re: What is S.O.P.A ?

Postby DSOP » Sun May 06, 2012 7:51 pm

circh bustom wrote:The govt only needs to protect borders and manage roadways and transportation systems. Period.

You can't be serious.

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