Practice Pad = no Pad Hands

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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: Practice Pad = no Pad Hands

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:55 am

Just tried the cork thing. :D

It's obviously lower pitched and a little bit quieter, in theory softer material, but I find it close in feel to the harder backside of the RealFeel. Considering the feel of many other pads IT IS a valid option and offcourse costs next to nothing at any dollar store.

Certainly a great idea when travelling and having only your sticks. I have some of those Vic rubber tips, but offcourse they do add a bit of weight upfront.

Cool idea. Thanks. :)

The main reason I like RealFeel pads for school is that I sort of had a theory that the extra bounce would be good for learning to bounce, but fine tuning different situations in my typical environment that's not necessarily true. I might seen strange to really care that much, but a big part of dealing with todays kids is getting asmuch as possible out of every little thing and how they react to their pad, not just physically but psychologically as well, matters. They don't have a real environment of any sort where I've usually worked, no music store to hang, they aren't really all that adapt online, so fine tuning and building a tradition on every little thing that works is a bi deal. Shouldn't be that way, shouldn't be my responsibility, but it is.

These are a neat little idea to work with:

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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: Practice Pad = no Pad Hands

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Mon May 08, 2017 10:58 am

So it's good to just get this out of the way.

There is a best pad.

It's the 12" Remoquarian Super TSS Pad.

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Re: Practice Pad = no Pad Hands

Postby cristaples » Sun May 21, 2017 2:38 am

I've used a mouse mat for years that I nailed to a piece of wood and put in a snare basket, the 5mm neoprene style one with the blue or red surface, when Ingot it out at a Gary Chaffee masterclass about 15 years ago a lot of guys laughed at it, Gary said to me later that I obviously didn't have any problems with my hands so not to worry if I couldn't afford the latest practice pad..... I said it wasn't a case of afford, more a case of stumbling on something that was close to the feel of a drum.

He gave me a nice wry smile.

Carried on with it ever since.
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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: Practice Pad = no Pad Hands

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Mon May 22, 2017 1:37 am

It is whatever works.

Yeah. Those, I guess 33 cent cork things work. A mouse pad isn't bad.

It really comes down to having the feel you want, but these days at a volume you can get away with.

I want to be able to practice fully anywhere, but also try everything, so when students and parents ask for options I can give the right advice for their situation.

Most know exactly how inspiring a cheap e-kit is after a while. A top of the line e-kit is valid for a pro who lives in a small apartment and gets to play his acoustic at gigs and rehearsals. It's not the same, but it's quiet and they have the experience to imagine well enough.

I think there wil be trend of fully valid low volume acoustic solutions coming. Super-Pads, Black holes and L80s are the beginning of that.

I know that when teaching and we have to keep it down that I much prefer a low volume solution to any of the ekits I've sometimes had to deal with in some situations.

Having a couple of RMP-5s around is cool, but they have a specific purpose.

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