VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

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Paul Marangoni
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Paul Marangoni » Sat Oct 30, 2021 5:18 pm

Steve Holmes wrote:For better or worse the internet did not bring anything new to the table, it just streamlined people being people. That's not new, it's old. It's just we're all much more exposed to all the aspects of it now. It's on each person to put things in perspective and be smart.
THAT worries me more than Facebook.

For those who don't know of a world without the Internet, it may sound like someone screaming to "get off my lawn", but it's much more than that. I have made a living off of the Internet for over 20 years now. For half of that period, it always had its downsides, but there was still hope. For the last ten years however, I honestly feel it's been on a downward spiral that is only speeding up.

Decades ago people were much more intelligent. The people I come across now in my field who are recent graduates, really have a limited understanding of some pretty basic things, and for the most part, act like sheep. Originality is quite rare.

In a similar way, musicians of all stripes are now capable of monstrous technique on their instruments, but somehow all sound the same.

Even though I make my living developing software for the Internet, I say take it all down. Or, better yet, make stronger laws to put offenders behind bars (ransomware).

Give me an actual telephone that is connected to physical wires that run underground and under the ocean.

What happened? Did the pocket Internet make everyone smarter? Or does it just facilitate snappy comebacks, with a sixty-second web browser delay? I used to think the Internet was a tide that lifted all boats, knowledge wise, but now I wonder if the opposite is true. I think the Internet and information technology in general makes us dumber, in some key ways.

When I was a kid, you had to actually memorize and know the capitals of foreign countries if you wanted to talk geography. And you never knew when that might happen. Even today, I know Ulan Bator is the capital of Mongolia, and Quito is the capital of Ecuador. I can point them out on a map.

So what, today's young people say. The iphone will tell you more about Ulan Bator in sixty seconds than I could possibly remember. That's true, but by relying on the computer, we stop training out minds, and we stop filling our memory banks. By doing so, I believe we diminish our ability to solve life's problems unaided, and we become more and more dependent on machines. When the machines give us answers, we seem superficially smarter, but we really are dumber, because we're not building the networks in our brains to solve a whole host of problems.

Want another example of this? Think navigation. I went my whole life looking at maps and finding my way. I have a long, long history of reaching my destinations, whether on foot, by boat, or by car. I looked at a map, related it to the world around me, and found my way. All too often, navigation today is handed off to a machine. Many motorists can't make sense of a basic road map, or estimate the distance between two points on a printed page. They are lost if their machine loses touch with the satellites.

Most of the time, technology works as it should. People get to their destinations faster thanks to computers. But people who rely on machines have given up something vital yet intangible. They've lost the ability to think it through a navigation problem themselves. They have become slaves to machines out of intellectual laziness, and the laziness makes them less smart. The brain wiring that solves navigation problems allows us to solve other problems too. Computers don't have that flexibility, and neither do we when we abdicate our thinking to machines.

I think this point is lost on many young people today. After all, if they have not developed certain processing abilities in their minds, how can they know what they are missing? I know, because I see what I lose when I rely on technology and it fails. I think of my frustration when my car gets lost, and I recall all those times when I solved my own problems and found my own way, uneventfully albeit a bit slower.

For many people, web browsing has replaced book reading. Recent studies suggest that their attention spans are reduced as a result. When we rely on a computer to look up facts, instead of our own memory, the price may not be obvious. But I believe it's there, and it real. ... -us-dumber ... us-dumber/ ... us-stupid/
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Old Pit Guy
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Old Pit Guy » Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:09 am

The concept of the normal distribution is incontrovertible. You can apply it to just about anything and establish a frequency relative to the mean. Big Tech’s data revolution has indisputably democratized news and information, as well as having created an interactive alt-reality for a lot of people.

And while having positive effects, it has come at a very high price. By monetizing information and dolling it out through algorithms of avarice designed to aggregate, segregate and maximize return, to enshrining mediocrity through a system of vacuous virtual rewards, the NASDAQ gestalt has created a ginormous social contagion of addiction through malevolent manipulation that, in my opinion, so utterly dwarfs its positive effects as to be laughable.

Perhaps if we had another few generations in time for it to right itself, sure. But sadly, it doesn’t appear as if we do.

People being people is exactly why you don’t put those people in charge of all the other people. The ancient Greeks knew it; the powers that be now knew it. But the potential rewards proved too great.
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:07 am

The answer to everything is on the phone, so there's no need to look within for deeper answers or authentic expression.

Only one of many ways it facilitates narcissism.
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Rodge » Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:57 am

My boy... <3
I love him, him and Tainish are my ultimate heroes !!! <3
"My Boys From PA" ... 1211296045

I come from Tain, Vinnie, Omar, Jeff, Fish, Stewart, and many more...
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby DeeP_FRieD » Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:42 am

Rodge wrote:

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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Rodge » Sun Oct 31, 2021 1:25 pm

Shieet, lethal... :-)

I come from Tain, Vinnie, Omar, Jeff, Fish, Stewart, and many more...
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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Sun Oct 31, 2021 11:59 pm

There's more.

Manu and Erskoman are on it also.

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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Kurtis » Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:46 pm

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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby amoergosum » Mon Nov 08, 2021 10:42 am

"Jeff Beck, Stanley Clarke, Vinnie Colaiuta, North Sea Jazz, Rotterdam 14 July 2006":

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Re: VINNIE - The thread about Colaiuta

Postby Rodge » Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:29 pm

It was Joni's birthday nov. 7th, Joyeux Anniversaire Joni !!! <3

Lionel Ritchie on back voc, Landau, Ferrante, Klein and Don Vincenzo, just perfect.

I come from Tain, Vinnie, Omar, Jeff, Fish, Stewart, and many more...

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