Woodford Reserve Ad Feat. Max's For Big Sid solo

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Woodford Reserve Ad Feat. Max's For Big Sid solo

Postby Rhythmatist » Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:05 pm

I'm sure you've all seen the ad by now...I was stunned when I first saw it aired. I was like, "F'n right! Max Roach solo!!," although I'm not sure if it's a Max recording or some session guy doing a really credible take on it. Some of the "reviews" I've seen have been negative (F-'em as far as I'm concerned) and Woodford is taking some heat for the sexist nature of the video...frankly, I don't even remember the video portion 'cause I was just too blown away that an ad agency actually used a Max solo...geniuses in my mind!!!

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