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Postby matthughen » Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:08 pm

When I was 15 this was THE image that stuck with me for a long time. It inspired me and even made it onto my wall - until my Billy Cobham phase kicked in. I also exapnded my newly "mastered" Bonham triplets by learning to cop the famous "We're Not Gonna Take It." The number of times I played to the Stay Hungry LP, and then the cassette, is uncountable. Thanks for the licks. I have proudly stolen many. RIP, AJ Pero.
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Re: RIP AJ Pero

Postby langmick » Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:33 pm

Same here Matt, so loved AJ's playing. That sound too.

I played along to SH so many times and there was so much good solid power drums on that record. New York and smart, not just stupid playing, clever with a great heavy sound. My favorite playing is smart and powerful, he obviously put his time in...

We all gotta go sometime...

He was a player.

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Re: RIP AJ Pero

Postby 72drum » Fri Mar 20, 2015 7:24 pm

First drum clinic I ever went to...A.J. Pero and Alan White sponsored by Ludwig. I was probably 13, it changed a lot for me. Loved the early Twisted Sister material. RIP A.J. Pero.
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Re: RIP AJ Pero

Postby nomsgmusic » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:05 am

Oh man, this hits close to home.

Short story. I LOVE spending some time teaching some special needs kids the drums, last year I learned that one of them LOVED Twisted Sister. The next week, I learned that a student of mine grew up (and was close) with the guys in Twisted. So I started thinking...

With a few phone calls, I hooked up with AJ, and told him my student's (heartbreaking) "story." My student had suffered a brain injury as an infant in an auto accident, and he and his family have lived with the results. They are all wonderful people (and the parents are TS fans too!) And he is a GREAT kid!!!

AJ's instant response, "What can I do?" I told him how much this kid LOVED TS, and he said let's hook up so I can meet and hang out with him and his family a bit." He and I agreed that it would be nice to make the young man and the family smile. More phone calls ensued, and we arranged a time, then I told the mom the story... She was speechless!

We agree on a time, and the family agrees that it should be a surprise. AJ shows up with a signed cymbal, shirts, swag.... And we hang for a while before the family arrived. What a great guy!!! Great stories, nice hang, and then the family arrived.... The young student just couldn't believe it, he and the family couldn't stop smiling. The drummer in his favorite band had come to meet and hang out with HIM. The parents were still speechless. We all hung out for the afternoon.

AJ and I talked a few times afterward, and I asked him if he minded if I shared this wonderful story with a few guys, and he told me "to keep it very hushed, because that's NOT why he did it (for the attention!!!)" I told a few guys I know, and they all kept it to themselves. Well I guess (hope) it's a little more appropriate to share this story now. I sincerely hope it will inspire a few of us to do similar things.

Maybe in this thread (later) I will share some of the stories he told. (For example, he turned down the AC-DC gig when Phil was having his problems.) AJ was a VERY good guy, did a lot for the Wounded Warriors Project, was great provider for his family, and helped the people in the neighborhood where he grew up.

He and I shared a bunch of "drum career stories" and I learned a TON!!! (Apparently) we did not really share a drumming "style," but it turns out that as a young kid he took some lessons with Krupa, WOW! So we talked about that, and it turns out we also had some mutual friends.

Anyway, the moral to the story (well, there are a bunch.) Kindness and humility go a long way. Reach out and help someone less fortunate than yourself (you are NEVER too busy to make someone smile.) Despite some people who shall not be mentioned, the "drum world" really is a wonderful place, filled with wonderful and caring human beings. Unfortunately we have lost one of them.

I'm sure AJ's old pal Eric Carr was waiting at the Pearly Gates for him, but here on earth, AJ will be missed!

God Bless You Brother!
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Re: RIP AJ Pero

Postby Julián Fernández » Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:31 am

Cool story, Mark. He sure does sound like a nice guy. Another remainder to treasure every single moment we have in this place. Peace.
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Tom Reschke
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Re: RIP AJ Pero

Postby Tom Reschke » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:20 pm

That is a great story, Mark. Stay Hungry was the very first album (cassette) that I ever bought with my own money. I haven't listened to it in years but will definitely be revisiting it. You never forget your first...
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