Female Drummers

Robert Bluman
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Robert Bluman » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:35 pm

Nah man, I'm still talking about the threads title, which is female drummers. And still, no one has any real answers.
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby DSOP » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:06 pm

Who would you say is a more "famous" drummer: Kenny Aronoff or Terri Lyne Carrington? Now, which is the superior drummer/musician?

It has less to do with being attractive or what sex you are. It's all about marketing and media penetration, and a little bit of skill.
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Gaddabout » Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:32 pm

Robert Bluman wrote:Nah man, I'm still talking about the threads title, which is female drummers. And still, no one has any real answers.

There are lots of famous male drummers whose skill sets are at the minimum. We could set up a thread to complain about it, I suppose, but we could also just file it under "that's show business" and get over it like adults. If you want industry equality based on skill, I suggest taking lots of drugs and setting up permanent residence in fantasy land.

But the fact remains -- and I believe it's an established fact -- that Cindy Blackman, Terri Lynn Carrington, and Tal Wilkenfeld are highly skilled musicians that don't deserve to be trashed BECAUSE they are women. To do so makes one come off as bitter and petty.

But that's just my opinion. YMMV.
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Lucas Ives
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Lucas Ives » Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:04 pm

I know Mike Stern loves to play with Kim Thompson, he loves the way she attacks the instrument, the rawness of her time and the way she solos.

I would assume Herbie feels passionately about TLC, he's already selling out all of his shows without needing a sideshow attraction to put butts in seats. I also know several top tier bass and woodwind players that love to play over Terri's time.

So whether or not you think they've got it, the guys calling them certainly do. And that's what matters. You've mentioned female players along a spectrum of ability. I don't really think Travis Barker deserves to be a clinician either, but for whatever reason people pay money to go see him. I don't think that's any more or less valid than the reasons Hilary Jones is endorsed. Good for them, they used what they had to their advantage .. be it their being in a minority group, having a rabid fanbase of tweens, putting together a quality online lesson site, whatever.
Robert Bluman
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Robert Bluman » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:08 pm

I was referring to sideman freelance drummers more so than band drummers like Travis.
TLC is great and so is Kim Thompson, still, I believe if they were male, we would not know who they are. I have seen TLC make some inexcusable blunders on gigs, and yet she still has a plethora of work. I also don't think you can compare a rock session legend like Kenny Aronoff who has one of the best feeling backbeats in the business, to TLC who is an excellent jazz/fusion drummer, but not quite at the top of her field like Aronoff is at his. My entire point is to treat female drummers as drummers. Not emphasizing the female part. There is always that " that's a great performance, for a girl", and that's what I don't understand. Music is not about that. I'm not trashing those women Gaddabout, I'm merely saying that if they were men, they wouldn't be as successful. I stand by that, I believe it's 100% true.
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby cjbdrm » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:20 pm

Lucas Ives wrote:So whether or not you think they've got it, the guys calling them certainly do. And that's what matters.
Julián Fernández
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Julián Fernández » Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:33 pm

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Re: Female Drummers

Postby amoergosum » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:24 pm

Robert Bluman
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby Robert Bluman » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:36 am

In my honest humble opinion there still isn't a female out there with the groove consistency phrasing and musicality of a male. The top 50 drummers of every genre are all male. The best and busiest all around drummers are all male. I still haven't heard a female drummer who can play high level time. Cindy Blackman got close with Lenny Kravitz but she was still very up and down. Name one female drummer who swings and solos as if all they play is jazz, can then turn around and play real pocket rock at an arena rock gig, and then play a salsa gig without fudging the clave. Vinnie Colaiuta, Gary Novack, Dave Weckl, Raul Pineda, Joey Heredia , Bernie Dresel, Cliff Almond, Steve Hass, Tom Brechtlein........all men. Sorry maybe I'm fixated on the topic. I just think if these famous female players were male, they would be average and would not have the type of gigs they have.
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Re: Female Drummers

Postby gretsch-o-rama » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:59 am

I like those videos Julian. That's probably some of the strongest time feel I've heard from any female drummer....Also, I like red heads. haha

Also, can anyone tell me what kind of equipment I would need to write MIDI-type tracks in those vids? Thanks
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