I'd Hit That podcast interview series

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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby langmick » Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:36 am

The Steve Smith one was great, as was the Kenny Aronoff ep.

I dig how he gets them to just start talking real shit...with tons of f-bombs as well.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby Da Chooch » Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:39 am

yeah, pretty much listened to all of them. i'm listening to Joe Tomino now. every one of these interviews has something we all can learn from. a few things that i took away from pretty much all of them was that you don't necessarily have to be the BEST drummer in the world but if you serve the song, get along w/ others, prepare well, be diligent and be AVAILABLE, then you can make a living playing the drums, esp. in live settings.

I thought Mitch Marine's insight was pretty intriguing. he mentioned how there was a HUGE dropoff between live touring drummers in L.A. and those drummers that are in the studio scene. esp- the drummers in Nashville? they're even better than drummers in L.A.? pehaps i heard that wrong. it made me raise my eyebrow as in like whoa i had no idea.

my favorite was Mark Schulman's interview so far. he was such a force of positivity. i want to check his book out once it's finished. it was also encouraging to hear alot of these drummer being very open about the worries of the next gig as well as admitting how maybe doing a 'fusion-y' gig is not their bag. Schulman mentioned that he got the PINK gig BECAUSE he wasn't so gospel choppy but rather a bit more "rocker" in his approach to some of her music.

just goes to show everyone has something to offer in bringing something to the table. the hard part is being on the road and always hustling for work and dealing w/ some serous d-bags in the process. Jimmy Paxson (another fav) comes to mind w/ Sophie B. Hawkins.

and these guys are ALWAYS in the pursuit of learning. whether getting better at technique, reading, recording technology, spiritual health, they're ALWAYS trying to better themselves. it encouraged me to know that there is a threshold to where you can work professionally as a drummer without knowing how to read to the level of say a J.R. or have independance like Mike Mangini... BUT - it should incentivize you to be proactive in being the best you can be.

wow. that was - a mouth full. :shock: thanks for the thread.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby Christopher » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:17 am

The Mike Clark interview is pretty cool.


Episode 14

Any recommended listening as far as the Hancock records he is on?
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby langmick » Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:01 am

Any and all. And check out the Brand X stuff. Tons of good fills to steal, er, listen to.

I didn't know he was the Charlie Brown drummer.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby Clint Hopkins » Sun Sep 01, 2013 8:33 am

For the 50th podcast Dave interviews Steve Lukather talking about Jeff. Very poignant and insightful.

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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby TsonicTsunami » Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:51 am

This is the best thing since the invention of the hihat stand. The story when Jonathan Mover thought Ginger Baker was Levon Helm is some hysterical shit . I have listened to a number of them repeatedly and each time I pull a little more info out of each one. Excellent podcast, the best!
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby kinkymook » Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:09 am

I listen to podcasts when I run and while driving. I listened to the Lukather one last week and then Hal Blaine this week. Hal has some great stories and is pretty sharp for a guy born in 1929. It's evident that he didn't burn up any brain cells with drugs or alcohol. I hope the Wrecking Crew movie can see the light of day/ have a wide release someday. I'd LOVE to see it.
Lukather got through it, although I think he sounded pained during some of it.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby thewikiman » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:27 am

I'm only half an hour into the new Eric Harland one but I think I've been grinning the whole way through... He seems like such a great guy, it's a great conversation.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby kinkymook » Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:17 pm

REALLY enjoyed the Shawn Pelton interview. Get yourself a nice bottle of tequila and drink along as you listen. He's a real hip cat.
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Re: I'd Hit That podcast interview series

Postby Christopher » Fri Nov 01, 2013 8:23 am

Yeah, the Pelton one was cool. Seems like a nice guy. Met him briefly at the 2005 MD Fest when he came rolling in with Anton Fig. Shawn was cool...

New ones are up, including Matt Chamberlain.


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